Source dict:
{'keyA': '', 'keyB': ''}
Expected dict:
{‘keyA/'keyA' :’’, keyA/keyB’ : ‘’}
keyPrefix = 'keyA'
for key, value in Dict.items():
newkey = '/'.join([keyPrefix, key])
Dict[newkey] = Dict.pop(key)
keyPrefix = 'keyA'
for key, value in Dict.keys():
newkey = '/'.join([keyPrefix, key])
Dict[newkey] = Dict.pop(key)
Result of code1/code2 is:
{'keyA/keyA/keyB' : '', 'keyA/keyA/keyA': ''}
It doesn’t work as expected, and I found the case only exists when prefix is the same to a key of the dict which means code1/code2 works well when the keyPrefix is neither ‘keyA’ nor ‘beyB’.
My way to resolve this unexpected result:
Dict = {'/'.join([keyPrefix, key]): value for key, value in Dict.items()}
For complex case:
keyPrefix = 'keyA'
for key in list(Dict.keys()):
newkey = '/'.join([keyPrefix, key])
Dict[newkey] = Dict.pop(key)
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